Catholic commentary on culture, media, and politics.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lexicon for young adult Catholic acronyms

Do you see yourself or someone you know in these acronymistic gems? Hat tip to my friend Patrick Prescott.

ACART --- Accepts Church And Republican Teachings (M, F)
CHIM --- Catholic Hyper-Intellectual Male (M)
CINO --- Catholic In Name Only (M, F)
CISTO --- Catholic In Skimpy Tight Outfit (hopefully F)
CLOWSIC ---- Cosmo Lifestyle On Weekdays, Sundays In Church (F)
COGISFAW --- Catholic Old Guy, Is Searching For Adolescent Wife (M)
CONOPE --- Catholic, Orthodox, No Other Personality Evident (M, F)
CHUPAME -- Catholic Having Unhealthy Preoccupation About Middle Earth (mainly M)
FOCID --- Flirts Outrageously, Chastity In Doubt (M, F)
FOYIC --- Flirts Outrageously, Yet Is Chaste (M, F)
FOFEBA --- Full Of Faith, Empty Bank Account
FOTSAV --- Full Of The Spirit, Alcoholic Variety (M, F)
GQC ---- "GQ" Catholic (M,F)
ISOFF --- In Search Of Free Food (M, F)
JLAW / JLAH --- Just Looking to Acquire a Wife / Husband (M, F)
MAWBAN / MAWBAP --- Might As Well Be A Nun / Priest (F, M)
OSCAR ---- Overly Sexual Catholic, Advise Restraint (M, F)
SOFTNOS --- Shares Our Faith Though Not Our Sanity (M, F)
SOTVEM --- Seen Once Then Vanishes Ever-More (mostly F)
WOVUOS --- Woman Of Virtue, Underwear Of Sin (F)
WIRTEP --- Will Inevitably Refuse To Ever Pay (M,F)

"The CINO JLAW is talking to the excellent CISTO CLOWSIC in the corner. Things may work unless she figures out he's a FOFEBA WIRTEP. If so, she'll be a SOTVEM, after hanging with all these CHIMS... unless she was just ISOFF!"


Blogger Teófilo de Jesús said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:02 AM

Blogger CDE said...

It would be nice if this article appeared in a parish bulletin with a headline such as "How to Navigate Life in the Singles Group in Our Parish."

6:19 AM

Blogger Patrick said...

I have have idea, Pedro. You grow up, and I'll stop deleting your comments. Sabes?

Clayton: Agree, although you might want to adjust some letters for west Hollywood parishes.

7:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly here...let's see if this works.

6:29 PM

Blogger Kelly Thatcher said... see if this works.

6:30 PM

Blogger Kelly Thatcher said...

Okay, they both work. Now what was I about to say?

Oh, yeah!

Wonderful, Patrick! While not a Young Catholic I have never been accused of being an "adult," either.

And so you see before you a:


and a:


6:32 PM

Blogger Kelly Thatcher said...

P.S. Sorry for the multiple posts, but I'm having fun using this, now that it works!

6:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the combox, Kel. Anytime, lady o' the pew.

11:04 AM

Blogger This Girl said...

hmmm... I think I dreamed about this post last night. really weird.

12:46 AM


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