Catholic commentary on culture, media, and politics.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The fragrance purple

This is cool.

Talk about a tantalizing mystery. I wonder what Aquinas would say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is cool. I've always felt that colors on earth were a bit lacking. Surely in heaven we will perceive them through all our senses, and I know brown will sound like an oboe and taste just like a cup of coffee with a Milka bar swirled in it, only better.
That's a deep thought that gets me through rough days.

7:31 AM

Blogger Julie D. said...

Interesting concept, isn't it? I, for one, was pretty freaked out about a year ago when my daughter started describing her synesthesia. I'd never heard of it before. Here's the link to my post if you're interested. I've never heard of anyone who has the kind that she does ...

8:54 AM

Blogger Patrick said...

Justine: Wow. I wish I had such an easy solution to getting through days!

But what if brown sounds like mucous being forced out of a clogged nostril, and an oboe smells like rotten eggs soaked in methane? I'm just asking.

Oh, yeah, would you stop stalking me?

Julie: I'd get your daughter evaluated, not that there's anything "wrong." Hannah sounds like a classic synesthete. Learning more might help your whole family. Very interesting indeed. God's little sense of humor...

I highly recommend "The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat" by Dr. Oliver Sacks. (He wrote "Awakenings" which was made into a movie by Penny Marhsall.) Talk about cool neurlogical conditions!

One day I'll have to blog about my own little weirdness, which I have dubbed The Bigs and the Smalls.

9:55 AM

Blogger Julie D. said...

I read the book as soon as I discovered it. Well done and very informative.

I suppose I could get her evaluated ... if either her regular doctor or her psychologist had ever heard of synesthesia ... which they have not. As everything else seems to be going along well, we contented ourselves with INFORMING those doctors as to what it is.

The problem you mention to Justine is one that Hannah struggles with, BTW. There are certain words that she will avoid using at all costs because they are connected with very unpleasant substances.

10:57 AM

Blogger Patrick said...

I have my own word thing. It's weird, and I can barely describe it. But since my reversion to the faith I seem to have a sensitivity to whether or not certain words are derived etymologically derived from occultic sources or refer to occultic activity. It's not infallible but very reliable. This (is it a gift?) applies to book titles, publishing houses, and certain logos. Here is LA there's quite a bit of new agey-church of Scientology crap in the air.

11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a sick man (about the oboe and mucus, that is) but your word derivation "gift" is an interesting one. I've often relected on how all words are a reflection of the Living Word and our communication with them is somehow a reflection of Christ's love (or can be,) or our relationship with Him or something (poetry, I mean how complex and cool is that?).... I dunno, I'm supposed to be packing for a trip so I gotta go.
Basically, we'll see the connection in the next world.

I trust I make myself obscure...

12:47 PM

Blogger Julie D. said...

Patrick, that sounds like a charism of the Holy Spirit to me. Undoubtedly it's very handy where you are! :-)

1:03 PM

Blogger Patrick said...

Julie,yes, it is, and I've been remiss in not talking to someone knowledgeable about it. Ironically, it sounds kinda new Agey!


Onscure? No way! On teh contrary, your reflections interpose a neo-Mannichean presupposition onto a more diverse index (in the Suabian sense) than is normally thought. If your poetic point is valid, then every a priori instance of the deus ex machina paradign can never, repeat NEVER indemnify the original ideal.

That, and have a fun trip. I gotta go smell a Mozart aria.

3:51 PM


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