Oh, Canada, my multitude of solitudes
The national identity of the average Canadian is the awareness of not being American. My fellow Canucks tend to rail against, among other things, the whole American "melting pot" ideal. Yet, with increasing exceptions extended to Muslims, Canada's secularist self-image is not neutral with respect to religion.
In fact, the clap-happy multiculturalism held up by the elites of Canada and given lip service by ordinary Canadians is looking more and more like a virulent heresy.
Douglas Farrow explains why.
Clap-happy...I love it.
So are you suggesting that we accept the implementation of things like Shariah law, or perhaps add a disclaimer such as "not all religious traditions will be accepted" in our applications for citizenship?
Or, are you referring to something different altogether?
5:47 AM
No, that's going to the other extreme. I no more support instituting Shariah law than I support instituting Catholic canon law, or the moral norms of the Bhagavad Gita, or making it a crime to avoid going to Jewish temple on the Sabbath. Canada is a secular country, pure and simple. But it used to be a secular country with a Judeo-Christian soul. And that very soul, which is today screamed at by our "progressive" brethren as dangerously narrow and intolerant, formed the very basis of inclusion into the broader society.
My point, and I think it's Farrow's point as well, is that religion no longer has a welcome place in the public square in Canada. The official religion of Canada is multiculturalism untethered by anything substantial or objective. Religion itself is labeled something subjective and opinion based, period, having no objective or transcendent value or import. Consequently, the socio-political status quo is by definition anti-religious.
It's ironic, given Canada's historically religion-friendly foundations, which exceed the American founding fathers in Christian explicitness.
9:24 PM
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